
时间:2015年01月16日信息来源:本站原创 点击: 【字体:

  吕志和博士 嘉华集团主席
  Dr.Lui Che-woo
  Chairman of K. Wah Group
  And The Federation of Hongkong Hotel Owners
  香港良心 政商桥梁
  品牌之路 任重道远
  嘉华集团率先以特许经营模式与享誉国际的酒店品牌合作,透过旗下香港仕德福酒店国际集团及美国Stanford Hotels Corporation,在全球拥有及管理20多间酒店,包括洲际、万豪、希尔顿、Doubletree及喜莱登等品牌,房间总数接近10,000间。
  集团在香港的首家五星级旗舰海景嘉福酒店于1981年开业,至于总部设于旧金山的Stanford Hotels Corporation,专责北美洲市场的酒店发展与管理,早年被评为全美12大酒店业主及发展集团之一,吕志和本人,也被美誉为新一代的“酒店大亨”。如今,集团在香港、澳门及美国全资拥有与经营两百多间酒店物业,并携手包括洲际、希尔顿、喜达屋、万豪等国际酒店管理品牌,经营的酒店客房总数已超过一万间,规模也在继续扩充中。
  业界脊梁 裨益社会
  早于上世纪七十年代,吕志和就已意识到香港需求大量国际星级酒店以配合其经济发展,他走在业界前端,与Holiday Inn以特许经营模式合作,引入国际品牌酒店先进管理系统,于尖东开设首家五星级酒店(即现今海景嘉福酒店)。香港理工大学也有建立新学系科的构想,但一开始只想发展低档的酒店学科,吕志和建议应该提升,设立正式的学位课程,建立酒店及旅游业专属学院。
  世界上没有一个酒店学课程建立自己的酒店品牌,吕志和还建议理大率先建立学院酒店品牌,“我认为,品牌对酒店来说非常重要,就像西方的 Hilton、Four Seasons、Ritz Carlton等等,名声很响。为什么我们没有自己中国人的品牌?因为知识不足,所以我们要向中国人灌输何谓品牌,要学习如何让一个品牌兴起,让世界各地知道我们的品牌。等于我们常听说外国的牌子LV、Chanel、Hermes等,他们之所以值钱,正正是因为建立了品牌。"在吕志和品牌理念的推动下,理工大学酒店学系注重形象,注重理念,很快取得国际认同。
  Lui Che-woo A Hong Kong Heart Lifts Up An Industry
  “Brand is the most important intangible property of hotel, it distinguishes it from the rest of the competitors while attracts customers who value the same spirit. Nowadays, travelers are more rational and mature than ever before which suggests that hotels are more encouraged to provide them with unique yet unforgettable memories than simply offer them the so-called standardized products and services.” ——Dr. Lui Chee-woo
  How many roads must a man walk down, before they call him a man? This lyrics sounds really plausible and touching when one takes all the weal and woe that Dr. Lui Chee-woo had gone through in the past 60 years into consideration. After witnessed and experienced Hong Kong’s economy miracle and social unrest, Lui Chee-woo and his empire stands impeccably still and stronger.
  Known as the Conscience of Hong Kong and the Connector Between Politics and Commerce
  It’s not entirely an exaggeration to say that Lui Chee-woo’s name is imprinted behind every bricks of the row upon row of skyscrapers on the chain of mountain overseeing the Victorian Bay. In the past 60 years, he has given all his efforts into revamping Hong Kong into a more splendid and flourishing city that glistens proudly. Today, his great aspiration and endeavor has helped K. Wah developed into a multi-national conglomerate involving properties, entertainment and leisure, hospitality, and construction materials with over 200 subsidiaries and more than 20,000 employees worldwide and the foothold of the business covers Hong Kong, Mainland China, Macau, North America and Southeast Asia. Apart from that, he also actively participated in the game of exploiting the Anderson Road Quarry and introduced a series of automatized equipments to make sure of the efficiency, safety and mechanism, leading the K. Wah Construction Material towards the largers one-stop buy enterprise.
  More than often when we are looking upon the buildings in Hong Kong we fail to realize the basic fact about architectures which stress the prominent achievements that the Hong Kong real estate developers had made. For Lui Chee-woo, however mesmerizing the business world may look, he never tend to neglect the construction material business which laid the foundation for K. Wah empire.
  Thanks to his big concerns towards Hong Kong’s development and his sincerity that emphasizes the notion of “Hong Kong is home to us all”, Lui Chee-woo earned the respect within and outside the industry. “In the past days, Lui Chee-woo is our essential bridge between government and the business circle.” So praised the Hong Kong Special Administration Government.
  Brand building: long and heavy way to go
  Since 1970s, Dr.Lui invested in hotel projects in Hong Kong with astuteness and business flair.K Wah. Initiated the management mode of special permission in cooperation of many world renowned hotel brands such as Stanford Hotels Corporation, for which he was honored “The Hotel Baron”. Needless to say, of all the investors in Hong Kong, Dr. Lui captures the heartbeats of the 21 st century business opportunity best.
  Imparting western experiences into eastern management philosophy, he picked the best team and professionals to work together. In 2002, he ventured into Macau’s gaming business and is now one of the six gaming operators in Macau where he aims at developing world class travel, leisure, shopping, meeting, convention, exhibition and entertainment facilities. Among which Galaxy Macau is the most highly appraised new resort must-be in Asia.
  “I have faith in the future of China hotel industry when our Chinese hotel brands become the showstopper.” Having this dream in mind, Dr.Lui takes the example of his property, Galaxy Macau to demonstrate that with the eclectic design insight in mind and the crucial “Asian Heart”, the national hotel brand is bound to give the world a fresh look.
  The Pillar of the Industry that benefit the Society
  Charity is the best gift you can give to your community. Dr. Lui Chee-woo certainly knows how to present people the best one. Back to 1970s, when realized that Hong Kong needs to work in joint effort with a bunch of international hotels to boost its economy, Lui Chee-woo embarked on his journey involving the cooperation with Holiday Inn and the introduction of advanced management system adopted by international hotel brands before he opened the first five-star hotel in East Tsim Sha Tsui. Meanwhile, he strongly supported the establishment of the College of Hotel and Tourism under the leadership of Hong Kong Science and Engineering University. Despite the fact that there’s no hotel brand founded relating to one hotel management course, Lui Chee-woo advised the university to set up its own hotel brand. To Lui, the reason why China still lacks its own name brand as prestigious as Hilton, Four Seasons an Ritz Carlton lies in the fact that we haven’t had enough understanding of the importance of branding.
  “Hotel branding and talents training are mutual benefit. So easy to copy the hardware and system but story is so different when it comes to talents cultivation.” Lui Chee-woo commented. In the recognition of the great power of local hotel managers, Dr. Lui spare no efforts in benefiting the society and the whole hotel industry with all his precious knowledge and experiences.
(作者:佚名 编辑:admin)